Wednesday, November 12, 2014

7th Grade

      Great Awakening
      Magna Carta
      Glorious Revolution
      French and Indian War
      Treaty of Paris
      Proclamation of 1763

      The first formal plan to unite the colonies was proposed by who?
      The Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, and the Glorious Revolution all played a part in what?
      The basic cause of conflict among the Native American groups west of the Appalachian Mountains was?
      One reason for the growth of self-government in the colonies was?
      What was the Albany Plan of Union?
      What was a result of the Glorious Revolution for the New England colonists?
      What were the effects of the French and Indian War?
      What was the main reason for the colonies’ mandate that children learn to read?
      What did American colonists use the English Bill of Rights to justify?
      What important right was upheld in the John Peter Zenger Trial?
      What caused the French and Indian War?
      What 2 elements gave English colonial farmers a chance to prosper?

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